The Types Of Amusement Rides

Kiddie rides for sale

If you are thinking of setting up an amusement park, you need to know what the common types of amusement rides are. This will help you get the rides that will attract visitors and keep them entertained. There are a lot of types of rides you can buy, but you need to consider what you want to achieve with your park.

Kiddie Rides

When you go to an amusement park, you will often see an area dedicated to younger children. This is where your kiddie rides will be and you need to consider getting some. These rides are generally small and brightly colored to attract the children. Some of the most common kiddie rides (детские аттракционы) are trackless trains, bumper cars, miniature Ferris wheels, and mini carousels.

These rides will have a height restriction to ensure that only the younger visitors are on them. However, it is important to note that some of the rides will allow parents to accompany their children. You also need to ensure that these rides meet the safety standards of your area.

Kiddie rides for sale
Kiddie rides for sale

Thrill Rides

Most people associate thrill rides with amusement parks and they will be big attractions. As the name suggests, these rides are for those people looking for an adventure. The common rides in this type will be roller coasters, drop towers and certain pendulum rides.

If you are going to buy thrill rides(купить аттракционы экстремальные), you do need to be careful. These rides should not be used by people who have any health problems. You also need to ensure that young children do not get on these rides by having a height restriction.

Family Rides

The name of these rides can be misleading as they are actually all rides that have the capacity to hold 4 or more seats. A lot of amusement parks will have these rides to provide an enjoyable experience for a group of people. One of the most common rides in this type is a Ferris wheel which has cabins for more than 2 people.

These rides are generally milder and will have a calm movement. They are also suitable for people of all ages and with any health conditions. However, you do have to be careful of the weight restrictions that these rides often have.

Water Rides

A lot of people assume that only large amusement parks will be able to have water rides. This is not true and there are a lot that you can choose from. As the name suggests, these rides do require some form of water and they are great for the hot summer days. Some of the common rides will be paddle boats, bumper boats, and water slides.

Some of the rides will be small such as the bumper boats. However, others like surf-up rides will need a lot of space and you have to consider this. Water rides are generally not recommended for amusement parks that are open primarily in the cooler months.

There are a lot of types of amusement park rides (Виды аттракционов) that you can look at buying. The ones you should get need to match what you want to achieve with the park and the visitors you want to attract.